Dear Jake:
I´m a Rolex fan from Argentina, and I have discovered your GREAT Blog just a few days ago. It´s amazing the quantity and quality of info you've got here!! Congrats for a Great job, made with real Love and knowledge.
About the I Spy TV series, of which I used to be a real fan in my youth (I´m 60 now, and my first Rolex was a no date Submariner, my 18th birthday present from my parents, given to me in 1966).
I specially recall one particular episode, in which our heroes were taken to spy near the sea, and were forced to swim.
One of them (I don´t remember now whom) had his GMT Rolex flooded, and during one of their usually long parlaments, promised to file a complaint with the Factory for the failure! I suspect it was their culprit because he had forgotten to completely screw the watch crown.
I remember well that episode, because my fanatical point of view towards Rolex since my young days, and couldn´t believe that incident in the film script. Anyway it was very funny to see their upset dialogue about that GMT dissaster.
Please keep your Great Work with your Blog.
Best cordial regards,