Wednesday, May 31, 2023

40MM Rolex Day-Date Yellow Gold with Raised Roman Numerals

...Rolex Macro Shot Of The Day...

Rolex Day-Date

Yellow Gold with Raised Roman Numerals

40MM Reference 228235

One of the most elegant and classic Rolex watches is the Day-Date with a white dial with raised Roman Numerals. Rolex has been making this model with a similar dial for many decades, but the latest version in 40MM is just amazing!!!! In particular, this dial has these amazingly detailed and highly stylized markers what are very angular and art-deco.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

...The King Of Cool... Steve McQueen

    And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming :-)

...The King Of Cool...

Steve McQueen

 The Man & Le Mans  

Rolex Submariner
Reference 5512

I realize I may have gotten a little carried away with all my coverage of RFK Jr. but there are many reasons for this, the least of which is I want what is best for all of humanity and our planet, and it is crystal-clear to me that we need a health change. Nick Gould discovered and recently share this image with me of Steve McQueen at Le Mans, rocking his Submariner Reference 5512, along with his trademark Persol Sunglasses and Nikon F SLR.

The photo below we see Steve McQueen leaning against a Ferrari 512S, while taking photos with his Nikon F SLR camera with a big lens, and of course, he is wearing his Rolex Submariner.

Monday, May 29, 2023

The Real Anthony Fauci RFK Jr. Documentary

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


San Diego, California Event

Today is Memorial Day in the United States. My forefathers fought in every major war going all the way back to the Revolutionary war which began in 1775. My father fought in World War II, and came very close to dying. They fought so we would live in a free country. The U.S. citizenry is forever indebted for the sacrifices they made. Remember, you saw this brand-new revolutionary video here, which you won't find anywhere in the mainstream media...

    "Del said we need an army and you are the beginning of that army. You give me that army, and you give me a sword, and some ground to stand on, and I will give your country back to you!!!"

—RFK Jr.

All I can say is that I have never been so proud to be an American as when I hear RFK Jr. speak. It is genuinely amazing how honest and transparent and erudite this man is. The United States of America is in desperate need of a complete governmental overhaul and I am certain, RFK Jr. is the best man to complete this mission. RFK Jr. just gave this speech today in San Diego, and notice he is NOT reading from a teleprompter, but speaking from his heart:

Speaking of which, assuming he's elected, he will have the opportunity to complete and fulfill his uncles dream which RFK's father, RFK Sr. also tried to fulfill. I was talking with a friend of mine who is at this event, and he and I both agreed we like RFK's juniors unusual voice now they were used to it. As Dr. Martin Luther King once famously said, "Let us learn not to judge people by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character", I would say, the same is true of their voice, and RFK Junior's character is truly miraculous.

I think Del Bigtree's speech is one of the greatest, most inspirational speeches I have EVER HEARD, and I was so impressed with his speech, I think he should be the Vice President under RFK Junior!!!

Story below originally published on May 26, 2023:

The Real Anthony Fauci

RFK Jr. Documentary

You won't find the video documentary seen below named The Real Anthony Fauci on YouTube, or reviews on CNN, or ABC and you won't read about it in the New York Times (Despite the fact the book it is based upon by the same title is a New York Times Bestseller), or any Main Stream Media (MSM) publication, but then again Jake's Rolex World has NEVER been a part of the Main Stream Media, but has always been a member of the alternative media. A few weeks ago, I published a fascinating story on about Tucker Carlson leaving or getting fired from Fox News because of his coverage and interview with RFK Jr. who is running against Joe Biden in the Democrat Primaries for the Presidency in 2024. 

As a result, I got so inspired I decided to create a blog at dedicated to covering RFK Jr.'s journey to the Oval Office, and as a long-time presidential historian, I decided to also create a blog that explores the Presidency and Assassination of John F. Kennedy, who is RFK Jr.'s uncle, which you can find at

I must admit I thought I was aware of the controversy surrounding Dr. Anthony Fauci, but after having watched this new documentary based upon RFK Jr.'s best selling book titled, "The Real Anthony Fauci, my head is still spinning!!!! 

If you are a blue pill kind of person, I recommend ignoring watching this documentary, as it will likely make you cry, but if you are a red pill kind of person, then I think you will learn a great deal about Big Pharma and Censorship, as well as being able to much better understand the state of current events and how we got here today.

Update on May 28, 2023:

I received the following email from a reader. I asked his permission to share his email, which he granted, but requested I keep his name anonymous:

Dear Mr. Ehrlich:

Just wanted to thank you for your most excellent blog and, most recently, for the RFK, Jr. “The Real Anthony Fauci“ documentary.  My eyes were certainly opened wider than they had already been.

I had always distrusted government, particularly big government (remember President Reagan’s speeches where he said the nine most feared words in the English language were: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.“?), but watching this documentary really showed me that there is much to fear and Americans are quickly losing their grip on their government.  Scary indeed.  

Like you, I am fascinated by presidential history, and it will certainly be interesting to see how the presidential race shakes out next year and whether RFK, Jr. will be allowed to debate.  It’s scary that I even have to write that and the fact that we are living in a time when a major candidate for president might not be allowed to debate his opponent.  Shameful and scary.

As for the CROWN, I really like your posts and the wealth of information you share on Rolex.  I have learned so much!  I was able to buy my first Rolex (Submariner Bluesy 126613) recently as a 50th birthday gift to myself and my life thus far and I was lucky to get it direct from my local AD with no purchase history.  I wrote a letter on my office letterhead and explained what I wanted, why I wanted it, that I was willing to wait and if I could visit the AD and just talk watches.  

The AD responded by inviting me up to the store and the day I visited we had a nice chat.  I guess I made a good impression with my passion for knowing the brand (thanks in large part to your website) and its products.  He excused himself briefly, went into the vault and came out with a brand new bluesy that he told me had just arrived from Geneva the day before.  It was still in it’s shipping “coffin“ case and he offered it to me on the spot.  I was flabbergasted!  I just couldn’t believe I could get one after hearing and reading about "waitlists“ (he told me they really do not exist) and the difficulty people had from getting Rolexes from their local AD’s.  

I felt so, so fortunate I was able to procure one.  My dad had 2 subs when I was a kid - that is where the seed was planted - but had to sell them later on to help pay household expenses, taxes, etc. and he could not pass them on to me.  I always told myself that someday I was going to get one.  When the day came I was so happy.   One of the best things about the watch for me is that my wrist was the first the watch went on and it will only be my wrist that it will remain on until the end of my life.  It is a great feeling.  Not to knock grey market dealers or those who like to buy used watches, but there is a special satisfaction knowing that MY wrist is the FIRST wrist that watch went on.

Thanks again for letting me rant and brag a little bit and thanks again for your awesome blog.

Keep up the great work!


P. W.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Why I'll Only Wear Gold Rolex From Now On..

Why I'll Only Wear Gold Rolex From Now On

Christian from Theo and Harris put together this heartwarming video in which his mother and father talk about their affinity for wearing gold Rolex watches. This video and their story brought tears to my eyes, and everything they said resonates well with me about Rolex as a symbol of personal achievement.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Brooks Koepka wins his 5th Major title at the 2023 PGA Championship

Brooks Koepka image appears courtesy of The Japan Times

Brooks Koepka 

wins his 5th Major title 

at the 2023 PGA Championship

Rolex congratulates Brooks Koepka on holding his incredible composure and unrivalled determination to win the PGA Championship. With all eyes on the American going into the final round, he played with a focus that only the supremely skilled possess, to ensure he claimed the title for a third time.

The PGA Championship stands out among golf’s four annual men’s Majors as the only one to be contested exclusively by professionals. By bringing together the strongest field, it ensures the highest level of competition. The tournament inspires players to constantly push back the limits of what they can achieve and places experience at a premium. Over the years, Rolex Testimonees have enjoyed regular success at the PGA Championship, with Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player, Tiger Woods, Jason Day, Collin Morikawa and Justin Thomas among the champions whose names are inscribed on the Wanamaker Trophy. 

olex is committed to the permanent quest for excellence in all its endeavours and has been a long-term supporter of golf in its pursuit of the same. The brand’s enduring relationship with the sport began more than 50 years ago, in 1967, when Arnold Palmer, joined by Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player, became the brand’s first golfing Testimonees. Known together as The Big Three, these legendary players changed the face of golf forever, and their partnership with Rolex marked the beginning of a relationship based on the shared commitment to continuous improvement and unwavering precision. Since then, the affiliation has grown and flourished, permeating every level of the game worldwide. From elite players and golf legends to all the game’s Major championships, where success represents the pinnacle of achievement in the sport, as well as the foremost professional tours and worldwide amateur championships, Rolex is ever-present. In 2021 Rolex further deepened its support by becoming a Worldwide Partner of The Ryder Cup, to act as Official Timekeeper at every iteration of the sport’s pre-eminent team competition. The Swiss manufacturer’s support for the game is built on a strong sense of integrity and respect for tradition that promote the continuity of expertise and transfer of knowledge, and an understanding of the importance of investing in the sport’s development for future generations.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Why New Rolex Watches Can Cost Thousands Less Than Used Ones The Economics Of | WSJ

Wall Street Journal Explores

Why New Rolex Watches Can Cost 

Thousands Less Than Used Ones 

The Economics

It's fascinating to see how popular Rolex watches have become since I started publishing 16 years ago!!! So much so that now The Wass Street Journal created this interesting video on the power of the secondary/used market:

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Arnold Schwarzenegger Yellow Gold Rolex GMT-Master




Arnold Schwarzenegger 75 years old today, and NETFLIX recently announced they are coming out with a full length documentary on his amazing lifetime achievements and it will debut on June 7, 2023. Below is the trailer, and notice he is still rocking his yellow gold Rolex GMT-Master...

The Arnold Schwarzenegger Netflix Documentary poster below could read:

One Man. Three Lifetimes. One Rolex.

...Vintage Rolex Coolness...



Yellow Gold Rootbeer GMT-Master

I Want To Pump You Up!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger in December of 1994 wearing his Mocha GMT-Master

Arnold Schwarzenegger has many nicknames; The Oak, The Austrian Oak, The Olympian, Oak, The King, Champ, Arnie, Schwarzie, Arnold Strong, Mr. Universe, Mr. Olympia and The Governator. 

What a life he has lived. From Mister Universe, to Mega Movie Star to the Governor of California.

I am working on my upcoming Andy Warhol story, and I thought I would offer a preview of some of the great Polaroid images from the story. These Warhol Polaroids feature a barechested Arnold Schwarzenneger sporting his GMT-Master. One of the amazing details in my upcoming story has to do with how prescient and relevant Warhol's polaroids are today as an analog to Instagram, and Pinterest. Today, with an iPhone in hand, we are all now potentially Andy Warhol.

It doesn't just tell time

It tells history



Arnold looks a bit like Elon Musk in these photos as Schwarzenegger is smoking a joint while he enjoys some fried chicken along with a glass of white wine, and he is hilariously wearing a t-shirt that says "ARNOLD IS NUMERO UNO". Arnold is also wearing his yellow gold GMT-Master in these photos which was originally designed for pilots and jet setters who like to fly high ;-)


Hotel Meurice, Paris, France

Yellow Gold Rolex GMT-Master

These classic images of Arnold were taken in a hotel room in Paris in 1988. In the photos, we see him wearing his yellow gold Rolex GMT-Master, on a Jubilee bracelet.

...All In The Family...

Arnold, Maria & Patrick Schwarzenegger

Like Father & Mother—Like Son

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver were married and have four children—two girls and two boys. Patrick Schwarzenegger is the oldest boy and we see him pictured below in a recent shot sporting his Stainless Steel Rolex Submariner with a Ceramic bezel.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is pictured below with Maria Shriver when then first started dating, and we see him wearing his Yellow-Gold Rolex GMT-Master.

Like Mother—Like Son: In the photo below, we see Arnold Schwarzenegger with his wife, Maria Shriver, who is wearing a 36MM Rolex Day-Date. Maria Shriver is a Kennedy, and many of her fellow Kennedy relatives also wear Rolex.

Who You Callin' Girlyman!?!

Hasta La Vista Baby!!!

Monday, May 15, 2023

The Rolex China Sea Race: The Jewel of Blue Water Racing in Asia

The Rolex China Sea Race 

The Jewel of Blue Water Racing in Asia

First held in 1962 and organized by the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, the Rolex China Sea Race is Asia’s principal blue water event. The biannual offshore race held its 30th edition in 2023, with Nick Southward’s Whiskey Jack lifting the Rolex China Sea Race Trophy for corrected time on International Rating Certificate (IRC) handicap by completing the 565-nautical mile course in just over four days. History was made as Standard Insurance Centennial 5 became the first Philippines yacht to claim line honours. Rolex has partnered the race since 2008 as part of the brand’s wide-ranging support for yachting dating back almost 70 years.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

...An Open Letter to Sotheby's Auction House..

 ...An Open Letter to Sotheby's Auction House..


Sotheby's Keeps Falsely Associating 

Steve McQueen with Rolex Explorer II

Are auction houses trustworthy if they knowingly falsely associate a Rolex watch model with a celebrity who never wore such a model? As a leading Rolex historian and scholar it frustrates me to no end that auction houses worldwide keep falsely associating Rolex models with people who NEVER wore them!?!! In this case, Sotheby's AGAIN appears to be falsely associating the Rolex Explorer II with Steve McQueen in their upcoming Important Watches Part II Auction in Lot 214 on May 15, 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland.


This is an open letter to Sotheby's Auction House:

Dear Sotheby's,

I am again formally bringing this false association to your attention and asking you to kindly fix this false association error. I acknowledge that perhaps you might have information that contradicts my premise of your false association, and if that is the case I invite you to contact me with such information that I will add to this story to refute my observation, and thus set the record straight.

If you are not able to produce evidence that associated Steve McQueen with the Rolex Explorer II, I request that you PLEASE REMOVE THE FALSE ASSOCIATION FROM YOUR UPCOMING AUCTION LOT, as doing so not only undermines your reputation as being an expert in the horological field, but also falsely perpetuates this FAKE NEWS myth.

I look forward to your response.

Jake Ehrlich

The Screenshot above from Sotheby's Auction House features a description

 that states "Rolex. Explorer II 'Steve McQueen' Reference 1655."

Sotheby's Auction House is not alone in perpetuating this false Steve McQueen association as Antiquorum Auction House and Phillips Auction House, as well as others have done the same thing in the past. In all fairness, after I reached out to Phillips Auction House in the past and brought this false Steve McQueen association to their attention with an action lot they initially argued with me about, they reluctantly fixed it by removing the historically incorrect false association.

Just to be crystal-clear, it is a fact Steve McQueen wore multiple Rolex Submariner models during his lifetime, as evidenced in the photo below, but NEVER wore a Rolex Explorer.

Steve McQueen wearing his trademark Rolex Submariner Reference 5512

In the past I published a super detailed story named: "The Complete History Of Rolex Mythbusting: Separating Rolex Fact from Fiction", which specifically discusses the falsely perpetuated myth of the Steve McQueen Explorer.

Update 1: I reached out to Sotheby's and brought this open letter to their attention. It will be interesting to see if they respond?

Update 2: On our Instagram account, @WhiskeyRolex asked:

"What's the history to the nickname? Been Referred to that way for at least 25+ years of me being a watch enthusiast?"

I responded:

"@whiskeyrolex The best scholarship suggests an unscrupulous Italian auction house back in the 1990s wanted to try and get more money for Rolex Explorer ‘Orange Hand’ models at auction, and they saw how well the accurate ‘PAUL NEWMAN DAYTONA’ was performing, so they decided to try and do the same thing by falsely associating the Explorer with Steve McQueen. 

Don’t forget this was in the pre/early internet days when they could get away with something so ridiculous. They kept falsely associating the watch and it caught on, so other auction houses saw the false association generating more $$$$$, so they followed in lockstep and perpetually followed in their footsteps. 

BTW: They did the same thing by falsely associating the Triple-Date Rolex Chronograph with Jean-Claude Killy…"

Update 3: Somebody asked, "What about calling a Rolex GMT-Master a Batman or an LV Submariner a Kermit or Hulk?" 

Those are nicknames made by watch enthusiasts in the collectors community based upon their color combination similarities, thus I have no challenge with them. Nobody thinks Kermit The Frog, Batman, Batgirl, or the Incredible Hulk wore an LV Submariner. 

Falsely associating a celebrity with a Rolex model so you can sell it for more money at a public auction is different. 

I will give you an example: 

Let's say an auction house refers to a highland green 1968 Ford Mustang GT Fastback as a 'Bullit Mustang', or 'Steve McQueen Mustang', that might make sense as Steve McQueen famously drove such a car in the 1969 movie Bullit. 

Steve McQueen driving a 1968 Ford Mustang Fastback
 on the Streets of San Francisco while filming Bullit

But what if an unethical auction house said, "Hey why don't we falsely associate Paul Newman with a 1966 Ford GT40 Mark II, which Paul Newman NEVER drove, and at auction started calling it the "Paul Newman GT40" that would clearly be an unethical false association!!!

Paul Newman wearing his trademark Rolex Daytona with 

Exotic White Dial which is a Rolex Reference 6239 Chronograph

There really is something to be said for authenticity!!!

I rest my case your honor...

On a side note, the video below is what the auction houses remind me of in their relentless quest and unscrupulous pursuit for trying to make easy $$$$$$$$$$.

"Yeah, I have a Rolex Explorer II prototype for sale that my best friend, Steve McQueen wore his whole life!! Yeah! That's what happened! Then you know what happened next? 'Steveo' as I affectionately called him—in-fact—took it off his wrist and gave it to his favorite stuntman, who later gave it to me since I saved him from a pit viper snake attack!!! Yeah, that's what happened! That's the ticket!!! You bet it is...You can guarantee on that!" I'm not kidding you!:

Thursday, May 11, 2023

White Gold Rolex Daytona As Seen on in 2007

...Rolex Time Machine...

White Gold Rolex Daytona
As Seen on in 2007

Before I started Jake's Rolex World in 2008, I took these screen grabs in 2007, just cause I thought this watch was so cool looking, and I just found them, so I thought I would share them. Very cool looking...

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Greenland Sledge Patrol 1989 GMT-Master Ad...

Greenland Sledge Patrol 

1989 GMT-Master Ad

Monday, May 08, 2023

Elon Musk and Franz von Holzhausen from Tesla wearing Rolex...

...Rolex Super Coolness...

Elon Musk

Tesla & Rolex Connections

    I was talking to a friend of mine who is a serious Rolex expert and we were talking about how we were both in complete awe of Elon Musk's achievements. My pal said, "It's too bad Elon Musk never wore a Rolex, did he?" I agreed, and then he said, "Elon seems like he would be the kind of man who would wear a Rolex." 

I responded by saying "I agree, and I have spent a lot of time studying photos of him, but unfortunately I never discovered evidence that he wore a Rolex :-( Then several weeks ago, much to my surprise, I FINALLY discovered multiple photos of Elon Musk rocking a Rolex.

The reason why it took me so long to discover photos of Elon Musk wearing a Rolex is it appears he wore a Rolex Datejust 30 years ago, back in 1994 when he was attending Queen's University college.

After I wrote this article, I later discovered a photo of Elon at Space X headquarters in California, taken in 2004, standing in front of an early Space X rocket, wearing his Rolex Datejust as seen below.

I have a funny anecdote to share with you. I was talking with our Captain Danny, and I shared my discovery with him that I had found images of Elon Musk wearing a stainless steel Rolex Datjust back in 1994, and I showed him the photos. Captain Danny said "Nice! Elon and you looked alike when you were young" and he included the images below of me, which was interesting as I responded to Captain Danny and said "I noticed that as well."

The photo below of me was taken when I was around 18, back in 1984, and I was rocking my stainless steel Rolex Datejust on a Jubilee bracelet, whereas in the photo above of Elon Musk clearly shows he was wearing his stainless steel Rolex Datejust on an Oyster Bracelet.

Elon is 5 years younger than I am, and I am proud, yet embarrassed to admit it, but I joined Twitter before Elon did... Obviously Elon is probably the most successful man in human history, and if not, he is certainly in that pantheon. Captain Danny included both the image above and below when he said Elon and I looked alike when we were younger. In the photo below taken in San Francisco in 1999 I was rocking my Coke GMT-Master.

Nick Gould discovered a photo of Elon Musk rocking his Rolex where we can finally see the face of his watch, and to my eyes it looks like he is wearing a Rolex Datejust, Thunderbird model as seen below.

Update on May 13, 2023: David is a fan of Jake's Rolex World and he sent in the two photos below along with a nice message:

Gday Jake

David down in Melbourne , Australia here. Thank you for the wonderful reading over many years that you have supplied. I've been on your blog since you started.  You recently had a story on Musk wearing a Rolex . I watched a doco the other day about him and noted an oyster bracelet but cannot determine which model rolex he is wearing. The video is low res unfortunately. Attached is two screenshots. The best I could get I’m afraid. Thanks again for all your work.



Back on April 8, 2022 I discovered the lead designer at Tesla, Franz von Holhausen rocking a vintage Paul Newman Daytona, so I thought I would add that story here.

 Franz von Holzhausen 

@ Giga-Texas launch April 6, 2022

Rocking a Paul Newman "Big Red"

I was working on a story for showcasing the Tesla Keynote for Giga-Texas and I think I discovered Tesla lead designer, Franz von Holzhausen rocking what certainly appears to be a vintage Rolex Paul Newman Daytona Big Red!?!! Assuming I made a correct positive ID, I wonder if he owns the Paul Newman's Daytona #2 that Paul Newman actually wore?

The video below is of Elon Musk's keynote for the launch of the brand spanking new Tesla Giga-Factory which is completely mind-boggling!!!!

I might be wrong, but Franz's watch sure seems to have all the telltale characteristics of a vintage Daytona...

For frame of reference I am including a photo discovered by Nick Gould on the cover of The Sunday Times Magazine of Paul Newman rocking his Rolex Daytona Reference 6263.