Update from Jake on April 2: I decided to try to reformat Bob Barth's story in chronological order. I am doing this as his story is such an important piece of Rolex history and I want to contextualize it as best as possible. Jose and I have some extremely impressive surprises coming up including a full length video interview.
Once I feel this story is complete I will remove this notice, but in the meantime enjoy...
Once I feel this story is complete I will remove this notice, but in the meantime enjoy...
Bob Barth
Belongs to the Ages
The U.S. Navy Aquanaut
Who Developed the SEA-DWELLER with Rolex
Writing obituaries is never fun, especially when you have to write one about a friend of yours. The profound photo below of Bob Barth was the last known image taken of him and it was taken by Tara Wells. For some reason it reminds me of they saying that "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away."
I was introduced to legendary U.S. Navy SEALAB saturation diving legend & Chief Warrant Officer, Bob Barth by NASA Astronaut and SEALAB Aquanaut, Scott Carpenter back in 2008. At that time the general consensus was that the French diving company COMEX had developed the helium gas escape valve featured on the Rolex SEA-DWELLER with Rolex. I busted this falsely perpetuated myth and discovered the truth was that U.S. Navy Aquanaut Bob Barth developed it with Rolex.
As I mentioned, Scott Carpenter introduced me to Bob Barth back in 2008. I interviewed both of them extensively along with Deep Sea Diver and Rolex U.S.A. executive, T. Walker Lloyd, as well as U.S. Navy Walt Mazzone and COMEX founder, Henri-Germain Delauze, who collectively gave me a complete understanding of how the U.S. Navy SEALAB developed the SEA-DWELLER helium release valve with Rolex.
I recorded detailed interviews with all five of the above mentioned men, but to date have only published my interview with Scott Carpenter as a podcast. In the future, as time permits I plan to publish all of the recordings.
Bob Barth published a book in 2000 named Sea Dwellers which is pictured below:
In Search Of
Bob Barth
Robert "Bob" Barth was born on August 28, 1930 and spent most of his childhood in the Philippines and later moved to South Africa before coming back to the United States to join the U.S. Navy. In the final couple years of his life Bob suffered from several health issues. Bob was a complicated man, and despite having spent countless hours interviewing him over the past dozen years it was not always easy. As you will see in the upcoming video interview, Bob could be a gentleman but also at time had a sailors mouth and his personality was often times gruff, condescending and difficult. Over time I grew used to and expected this from him. I think I can speak for Jose as we both fount his sailor-like communications to be entertaining. Bob Barth is pictured below aboard the SEALAB habitat. Can a man be a watch? If so, Bob Barth was the living personification of the Rolex SEA-DWELLER. The Rolex magazine ad below from 1966 features a sailor who symbolized the ethos of the Rolex Oyster wrist chronometer, and in my estimate Bob Barth is the closest I have every come to meeting a many who is the living manifestation of the Rolex SEA-DWLLER. Bob Barth was as real as the real-deal gets.
The photo below of André-Jean Heiniger was taken just after he took over as the official Managing Director of Rolex in 1963 when he was 42 years old. André Heiniger along with Rolex Marketing Director, Rene-Paul Jeanneret were focused on taking Rolex Professional sport watch models to the next level.
If we go back a year to 1964, we begin to understand mans fascination with the life aquatic, which happened to be the same time Flipper debuted on TV. At the time, many people, including André Heiniger who was Rolex's CEO believed humans would soon be building cities under the sea, as this 1964 Rolex ad discusses at the end of Number 4:

The dream of having cities in the sea did not seem that far fetched at the time, although it would never become reality. Below is an early conceptual artists concept for the U.S. Navy SEALAB program.
The exclusive photo below shows one of Bob Barth's Rolex Submariner models he wore during the SEALAB program. This is a Reference 5512 with a magnificent gilt dial that developed a beautiful and unusual purple patina.
In the photo below we see a vintage Rolex Submariner at from 1965 which features a Reference 5513, which was similar to Bob's 5512.

They say you can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps, so before we get underway with exploring Bob Barth, let's take a look at some of the key characters in this story just to add valuable context.
Scott Carpenter

In the photo below we see Scott Carpenter with his wife Rene just after he returned topside from the SEALAB 2 Habitat.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau
The First Rolex Submariner

Jacques Yves-Cousteau is considered to be the father of Scuba Diving, and he worked with Rolex in the early 1950s to develop the Rolex Submariner as seen on his wrist below in 1953.
Jacques-Yves Cousteau is pictured above and below in 1953 while filming his seminal underwater documentary titled "The Silent World", which won him the Academy Award that year for best documentary.
Dr. George F. Bond
"Papa Topside"
"Papa Topside"
T. Walker Lloyd

Henri Germain Delauze
Founder of COMEX
Founder Of COMEX, Henri Germain Delauze [1970]
The French COMEX/Cousteau Connection
Just to give you a frame of reference, I included this profound photo of Hernri-Germain Dealuze that was taken in Southern France in Fontaine de Vaucluse in 1955 and it shows a young Jacques-Yves Cousteau at 45 years of age standing in front of a much younger Henri-Germain Delauze–at age 26–who would go on to found the revolutionary French diving company, COMEX. At the time Dalauze was a Cousteau team diver.

This image is so profound I decided to crop and zoom it in for you. What makes this image so profound? It is an image of two French revolutionaries. Two men who would forever change the world of diving.
Jaques-Yves Cousteau co-invented the Aqua-lung which brought SCUBA Diving to life and Henri-Germain Delauze ended up being perhaps the greatest beneficiary of this technology. It is so profound to consider the man on the right in the picture below taken 59 years ago is the same man pictured at the top of this story!!!
French Diving Pioneers Jacques-Yves Cousteau & COMEX founder Henri-Germain Delauze in 1955
Henri-Germain Delauze pictured above in 2009 wearing his trademark Rolex COMEX SEA-DWELLER
Project Genesis
History doesn't seem like history when you're living through it...
Where did the name "DEEP-SEA" Special come from? And for that matter where did the name "SEA-DWELLER" come from? Let's start with the photo below of the U.S. Naval School Of DEEP-SEA Divers. The pioneering U.S. Navy Officer, Bob Barth who developed the Rolex SEA-DWELLER with Rolex is in the photo below pictured standing up third from the left.
Bob Barth is seen below diving in front of the SEALAB 1 Habitat.
Next we see the cover of the Saturday Evening Post Magazine from September 5, 1964 which features a story about the U.S. Navy SEALAB program. U.S. Navy SEALAB Aquanaut Bob Barth took the photo on the cover the magazine of U.S. Navy photographer Bernie Campoli from inside the SEALAB Habitat.

The photo below was taken in 1964 and shows SEA-LAB Aquanauts, Sanders Manning, Lester Anderson, Bob Barth and Robert Thompson.
Bob Barth is pictured below during a SEALAB press interview on Argus Island directly after SEALAB 1 wearing his Rolex Submariner pictured above or a SEA-DWELLER prototype.

Below we see a 1967 Rolex Submariner magazine ad which was published during the U.S. Navy SEALAB program. This is the closest vintage magazine ad I am aware of Rolex advertising the Submariner in relation to a Submarine Captain. Notice the text in the ad reads:
"You're looking at the Rolex Submariner. For many years, it's been standard gear for SUBMARINERS, frogmen and all who make their living on the seas."
The letter below is from Jacques-Yves Cousteau to William Culpepper regarding the design of the SEALAB II habitat with recommendations from J.Y.C.
U.S. Navy SEA-LAB Interview
1968 Bob Barth Interview
San Francisco Navy Yard
Walter Cronkite is pictured in the next two photos interviewing the legendary U.S. Navy SEA-LAB diver, Bob Barth. Bob Barth was a the only diver who dove on all the SEALAB 1, 2, and 3 missions.

In this next photo we see The U.S. Navy SEA-LAB 3 habitat as she heads out for open ocean by passing under the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge for her journey down to the Long Beach Naval Shipyard. Bob Barth was on-board the SEALAB 3 habitat in the photo below.

U.S. Navy SEA-LAB 3 In The Pacific Ocean off San Clemente Island, California
[55 Nautical Miles (102 Kilometers) Off The Coast of California]
Below is a photo of the Westinghouse Deepstar 4000 taken off San Clemente Island in California in December of 1968. The Deepstar was send down to inspect the SEALAB III habitat.
Bob Barth is pictured in a classroom sitting behind fellow U.S. Navy SEA-LAB diver Barry Cannon. You can see Barry wearing his Rolex SEA-LAB Submariner on its Oyster bracelet.
In this next photo we see U.S. Navy SEA-LAB diver Barry Cannon again. This time he is surrounded with fellow SEA-LAB teammates. Barry Cannon was an electrical engineer in the civil corps with the Navy.
Notice the close up below shows the SEALAB III support assistant is wearing a Submariner.

In the photo below w
In the photo below we see Bob has two swallow tattoos on his chest which is standard for sailors that have sailed around the world. Bob's personality was that of a true rusty scupper and when I would call him on the phone I would say "Hi Bob, It's Jake from Jake's Rolex World and he would respond "Yes. Sir!" Then after he got warmed up he would use fascinating metaphors, like referring to animals as 'critters'.
Many years ago I busted the falsely perpetuated myth that suggested the French COMEX diving company had co-developed the Rolex SEA-DWELLER with Rolex. In that article I put forth the truth, which was that Rolex developed the SEA-DWELLER with the U.S. Navy SEALAB Aquanauts, with Bob Barth being the lead developer. Over the years I revealed this story in my 20 Part Series named "The Complete History of The Rolex Submariner & SEA-DWELLER: Rolex's Conquest of The Ocean".

The image below is a painting of the U.S. Navy SEALAB that Jose took while in Panama City at the SEALAB Museum.

In the photo below we see the U.S. Navy underwater habitat that was used during SEA-LAB I and SEA-LAB II. It was built in San Francisco at the Hunter's Point Naval Yard.

Cousteau wearing this Submariner is something I first documented a decade ago in 2009, but with these new images we can see more detail, which is great.
I would not call this evidence unequivocal, but I would say there is a 99%+ chance it is a 5512 or 5513.

The close up photo above of Jacques-Yves Cousteau shows him wearing an early Rolex Submariner with pencil hands that looks like the similar vintage model seen below.

Notice the dive assistant pictured on the left is wearing a Rolex Submariner.
Philippe Cousteau's Double Red Patent-Pending SEA-DWELLER is pictured below in a recent photo from an Antiquorum Auction. The caseback on this watch has an interior date stamp from the fourth quarter of 1967 that reads IV.67, with the serial number of 1,602,920. Philippe Cousteau's Rolex SEA-DWELLER sold on September 30, 2014 for $183,750 @ Antiquorum Auction House in New York. It is believed, based upon its serial number, this watch likely began its life as a Single Red-Sea-Dweller that ended up getting its dial replaced with a double red device dial.
The next two vintage Rolex ads are circa 1968, which shows how popular scuba diving became.
This next image is from 1969 and features Rolex ambassador, Joe MacInnis.

Above Image Courtesy of David Concannon Collection