Monday, October 05, 2015

Rolex Coolness: Larry Ellison 2010 & 2013 America's Cup Winner with Team Oracle

...Rolex Coolness... 

Larry Ellison

The $44 Billion Man

2010 & 2013 America's Cup Winner with Team Oracle
Stainless Rolex Submariner

Larry Ellison is the founder and CEO of Oracle as well as being the sixth wealthiest man in the world with a net worth of $44 Billion. $44 Billion!!!! That makes the $6 Million dollar man sound like chump-change :-) 

Larry is also the captain of Team Oracle which won the 2010 America's Cup in sailing, and in 2013 brought the American's Cup to San Francisco, and won the 2013 America's Cup in Race 19, which is the oldest trophy in world sport!!!

You can watch the 19th Race of the America's Cup, which took place on September 25, 2013 on San Francisco Bay, which is likely the most beautiful sailing regatta amphitheater in the world. 

A few weeks prior to the 2013 America's Cup Final, I took some photos on San Francisco Bay of Team Oracle and Team New Zealand, which I published on Jake's Streets Of San Francisco World, including the one below.

The Greatest Comeback In Sports History
34Th America's Cup
San Francisco 2013

In 2013, Larry Ellison's Oracle Team U.S.A. staged what is probably the greatest and most spectacular comeback in the history of sports, where team Oracle came back from an 8-1 losing deficit, to win 8 straight races to capture the 2013 America's Cup. America' Cup is the most prestigious and sought after sailing regatta awards in the world of sailing. 

1969 Rolex America's Cup Submariner Ad
The Rolex Submariner is "A Big Tough Watch"
Single Red Submariner [Reference 1680]

It is amazing to compare the difference between the 72 feet tall catamarans that are now being raced in the Americas Cup, and comparing them to the sailboats used in 1969, as seen in this vintage Rolex Submariner ad. It is also fascinating to notice the design of the Rolex Submariner has barely changed at all. 

Talk about timeless design. Now the price is a different subject. A Rolex Submariner cost $205 in 1969, and 46 years later they cost around $8,000. The most interesting financial statistic, is the watch featured for $205 in 1969, today is worth around the same price as a brand new stainless steel Rolex Submariner, at around $8,000.