Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Rolex Awards for Enterprise

Rolex Awards for Enterprise has an AMAZING story on their Rolex Awards for Enterpise site named Eye Test Brings Equality which is the story of Andrew Bastawrous.

Rolex says: 

"Ophthalmologist Andrew Bastawrous is pursuing a vision to bring clear eyesight to millions of people around the world. With the help of his 2016 Rolex Award for Enterprise, he developed the Peek Acuity app, an easy-to-use mobile phone-based technology to test the eyesight of those experiencing readily treatable optical problems. Initially trialled in Kenya, the project has expanded to multiple locations across Africa and Asia, including remote parts of Pakistan where more than 20,000 people a month are being screened. A part of the Rolex Perpetual Planet initiative, the project shares practical science and technology universally for the betterment of humanity."