Saturday, March 31, 2012

Richard's Rolex Datejust II Wrist Shots From Norway

...Wrist Shot Of The Day...

Richard's Rolex Datejust II
Wrist Shots From Norway

Richard is a reader of Jake's Rolex World and he send in these two photos of his Rolex Datejust II, which show of its sporty diversity. The first images shows him cruising in his car, and the next image shows him snowboarding.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

James Cameron
Official Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE Quote

This last weekend was very busy on Jakes' Rolex World as I chronicled in real-time, James Cameron's attempt to submerge into the deepest known part of the ocean. James Cameron submerged into the ocean abyss with a Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE watch attached to the robotic arm on his DEEPSEA CHALLENGER submersible. And now for the moment we have all been waiting for!!! reports James Cameron's quote:

"The Rolex Deepsea Challenge was the reliable companion throughout the dive; it was on the sub's manipulator arm and working precisely at 10,898 meters down at the bottom of the Challenger Deep. It's a tremendous example of know-how, and an ideal match for the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER submersible." –James Cameron [National Geographic Explorer-In-Residence].

Saturday, March 24, 2012


"To Explore New Worlds, To Seek Out New Life
To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before."

"James Cameron's successful record-breaking dive today represents the ultimate test of a man and a machine."–Dr. Joe MacInnis

James Cameron
Emerges From His DEEPSEA CHALLENGER After Record-Setting Dive


Below are the first photos of James Cameron as he emerged from his DEEPSEA CHALLENGER after he set a new record, and he is wearing a 44mm Rolex DEEPSEA SEA-DWELLER, which is unusual, because he has worn a vintage 40mm Rolex Submariner or 40mm SEA-DWELLER for many years.

When James Cameron dove down and set this new record, he had an experimental Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE attached to the outside of his DEEPSEA CHALLENGER submersible. If you examine the upper right-hand section of this image, you will see the experimental Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE attached to the robotic arm.

In this next shot, we get a closer look at both Rolex watches

This next close-up confirms James Cameron is wearing a Rolex DEEPSEA SEA-DWELLER.

This next photo shows the Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE attached to the Robotic Arm of the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER Submersible and you can see it is clearly intact.

The images above, and the next four images were taken by National Geographic's Mark Thiessen.

In the next image below we get another clear shot of the experimental Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE watch that was attached to the outside of James Cameron's submersible.

This next photo was taken just after James Cameron got out of this DEEPSEA CHALLENGER Submersible, and we see him shaking hands with retired U.S. Navy Captain Don Walsh. Don Walsh, with Jacques Piccard, in 1960, were the only other explorers who ever visited the Challenger Deep, in the Mariana Trench.

Rolex just published the following congratulatory statement:

Rolex Makes History Again

On March 26th, 2012, filmmaker and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence James Cameron descended into the Marina Trench, making the deepest-ever solo dive and the first solo dive into the trench. The only dive into the trench since the two-man Trieste expedition of 1960. Only one passenger was on both voyages. A Rolex watch.

Update at 7:15pm PST: James Cameron has already resurfaced. His ascent only took 70 Minutes as he torpedoed up through the ocean!!!!

The photos below were taken by Paul Allen (Microsoft Co-Founder) and they show James Cameron's DEEPSEA CHALLENGER after is surfaced, and the second image shows the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER being hoisted by crane onto the deck of the Mermaid Sapphire. Paul Allen took the photos from his $160 Million Mega-Yacht, named The Octopus, which rendezvoused with the expedition a few days ago.

I imagine we should be getting a status update regarding his Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE performance soon!!!

James Cameron, National Geographic & Rolex
Usher In A New Era Of Exploration

James Cameron
Successfully Reached Ocean's Deepest Point!!!

7:52am, Mariana Trench Time, Monday March 26, 2012

At 2:52 PST time, (7:52am at the Mariana Trench) James Cameron successfully navigated his DEEPSEA CHALLENGER Submersible into the record books as he navigated to the deepest know point on earths ocean floor, becoming the deepest solo diver in history!!!

Cameron descended downward in his 24 foot long, (7 Meter tall) state-of-the-art DEEPSEA CHALLENGER Submersible at a rate of 130 feet a minute (40 Meters) and reached 35,756 feet (10,898 Meters). Upon reaching the bottom, James Cameron sent a text message to his crew saying "All systems OK."

At 3:39 PST Time James Cameron tweeted: "Just arrived at the ocean's deepest pt. Hitting bottom never felt so good. Can't wait to share what I'm seeing with you."

Note: A close-up evaluation reveals that James Cameron appears to be wearing a Rolex Submariner. If you examine the side of the watch you notice there is no helium release valve, thus eliminating the option that he might be wearing a Rolex SEA-DWELLER.

Into The Mystic

The photo below shows James Cameron's as he prepared to be bolted into his DEEPSEA CHALLENGER Submarine earlier today.

"I grew up on a steady diet of science fiction at a time when people where living a science fiction reality. People were going to the Moon, and Cousteau was exploring the ocean. And that's what I grew up with, what I valued from my childhood." –James Cameron

This next image shows James Cameron's DEEPSEA CHALLENGER as it was lowered into the Pacific Ocean today around 2AM Mariana Trench time to begin it's record-breaking descent.

Here is the first video James Cameron shot in the Mariana Trench on March 26, 2012, while at a depth of 35,756 Feet.

Here is a video of James Cameron describing his experience in a press conference, the day after the record setting dive. Notice he is still wearing his Rolex DEEPSEA SEA-DWELLER.


Update: At 4:34pm California time, James Cameron confirmed he is beginning his descent into the Challenger Deep. He posted the following tweet on twitter:

"Today is the culmination of a 7 yr project. It's finally dive day."
–James Cameron

1:34 Mariana Trench Time, Saturday March 24, 2012

Attached to Robotic Arm on DEEPSEA CHALLENGER

Rolex Probably Already Set New All-Time Depth Record

I was carefully studying the all the photos of the James Cameron's DEEPSEA CHALLENGER which he is currently piloting down in the Challenger Deep, in an attempt to set the all-time depth record for a manned submersible, and I noticed the Rolex DEEPSEA Challenge attached to the robotic arm on the outside of the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER submersible, which I highlighted in the image below!!!!

It also looks like the DEEPSEA CHALLENGE team member behind James Cameron is wearing a standard Rolex DEEPSEA.

The all-new Rolex experimental DEEPSEA CHALLENGE wristwatch that is attached to the outside of James Cameron's DEEPSEA CHALLENGER, which is highlighted above, is also pictured up close in the photo below.

National Geographic published an article earlier today on the web, saying:

"James Cameron now may be attempting his unprecedented solo dive to the ocean's deepest point, members of the National Geographic expedition confirmed Saturday."

The National Geographic explorer and filmmaker's team left the tiny Pacific atoll of Ulithi in two ships Saturday morning, local time, on the way to the waters above the Mariana Trench. If seas remain calm—a big if—the team may proceed with Cameron's submersible mission to the trench's Challenger Deep this weekend.

Cameron's "vertical torpedo" of a sub, as he calls it, has already made the nearly 7-mile (11-kilometer) trip to Challenger Deep and back, unmanned and unscathed, Cameron told National Geographic News. (See pictures of Cameron's sub.)

"We did some test launches and recoveries, and we did an unpiloted dive of the vehicle," Cameron said in a phone interview Friday.

Earlier this week retired U.S. Navy Capt. Don Walsh said via email, "The sub, its team and the mother ship are all ready to go, and we only wait for the 'weather gods' to favor us."

It turns out that James Cameron confirmed that his unmanned, DEEPSEA CHALLENGER completed the near 7 mile deep dive, Wednesday, March 21st, 2012.

The only question I have, is if the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER already made the trip to the bottom of the CHALLENGER DEEP, it had to have had the 2 Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE watches attached to the robotic arms on the outside, so that must mean that the Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE has ALREADY set the new all-time depth record!?!?!? We will obviously soon learn more, but as they say, time will tell ;-)

If you have been following this historic development, be aware that record-setting events like this occur very infrequently. We are witnessing some pretty serious history!!!!!

...Robotic Wrist Shots Of The Century...

The Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE On The Ocean Floor

This next set of photos show the Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE attached to James Cameron's DEEPSEA CHALLENGER submersible on the ocean floor. If you look closely at this next image, on the right side of the submersible, you see the Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE attached to the robotic arm. It is on the right side halfway down the photo. Just to be clear, these images were taken before today, so they are NOT LIVE images of James Cameron's dive today.

In the next image below, you see the submersibles robotic arm has been extended and in the middle of the photo, toward the top, you see the Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE attached to the robotic arm.

In this next image you see the robotic arm of the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER Submersible extended over the ocean floor, and you can clearly see the Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE watch attached to the robotic arm.

1968 Rolex GMT Master Winter Olympics Skiing Ad

1968 Rolex GMT Master
Winter Olympics Skiing Ad

Originally Published December 1968 Time Magazine

Friday, March 23, 2012

Jacques-Yves Cousteau

...It All Began With...

The Father of Under-Sea Exploraton

Jacques-Yves Cousteau

1953 Rolex Submariner
Filming The Silent World

All this excitement about Rolex returning to the Challenger Deep, with Don Walsh on board with James Cameron, made me think about how proud Jacques-Yves Cousteau would be. Here is a photo of Jacques-Yves Cousteau wearing his Rolex Submariner while filming The Silent World in 1953.

National Geographic Society Special Gold Medal
Awarded to Underwater Explorer

Jacques-Yves Cousteau

By U.S. President Kennedy on April 19, 1961
White House Rose Garden

In the photo below taken on April 19, 1961, in the White House Rose Garden, President John F. Kennedy is presenting Jacques Cousteau with The National Geographic Society's special gold medal.The gentleman on the right side of the photo is Dr. Melville Bell Grosvenor who was the President and editor of National Geographic.

"We have learned in the last sixty years how to fly better than the birds–or at least higher and longer, and the Captain has given us a possibility that some day we may swim as well as the fish–or at least deeper, and he is, therefore, one of the greatest explorers of an entirely new dimension, and I can imagine his satisfaction in having opened up the ocean floor to man and to science." –JFK

James Cameron DEEPSEA Challenge Update From Mermaid Sapphire Captain's Log

James Cameron DEEPSEA Challenge Update
From Mermaid Sapphire Captain's Log

DEEPSEA Challenger is in the Challenger DEEP with a DEEPSEA Challenge Rolex in Place

Wow!!! Is that a twist of words, or what!?!?!?! According to Captain Stuart Buckle's logs, the Mermaid Sapphire arrived in the Challenger Deep at 13:54 hours on March 20, and is currently standing by, and assessing weather conditions. The later log, on March 21st said they are preparing for transit to Ulithy Atol, and moving easily to moderate seas and swell. March 22nds log said "Pre-dive checks being carried out on DEEP SEA Challenger."

From what I understand, everything is in place and they are waiting for ideal sea conditions to begin the dive. For all we know, James Cameron could be descending right now in his DEEPSEA CHALLENGER!!! As soon as I know more I will let you know. How exciting is this!!!! Jacques-Yves Cousteau would be proud!!!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

David Fincher Platinum Rolex Day-Date II

...Rolex Coolness...

David Fincher
Platinum Rolex Day-Date II

David Fincher is a famous American music and film video director. He directed The Game, Fight Club, Panic Room, Zodiac, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Social Network and The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo." He is pictured below wearing his Platinum Rolex Day-Date II.

What Will Protect James Cameron During His Record-Setting Attempt

What Will Protect James Cameron
During His Record-Setting Attempt?

James Cameron is preparing to attempt to break the all-time depth record in his DEEPSEA CHALLENGER submersible this weekend. This record breaking attempt represents on of the greatest scientific achievements we will see in our lifetimes, so on Jake's Rolex World I am staying focused on this amazing scientific expedition. Think about it!!! Rolex, National Geographic, and James Cameron collaborating together to return to the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench off Guam, 52 years after the last time it was done, to set a new-depth record–just amazing!!!!!

This video showcases how James Cameron will be protected under tremendous pressure. The DEEPSEA CHALLENGER sub sphere is shaped like an egg. A Sphere shape is immensely strong, which architect, Buckminster Fuller proved with his Geodesic Dome. Don't believe me?

Try this experiment. Take a chicken egg, and cradle the top point of the egg in your palm, and cradle the bottom of the egg in your other palm. Then with all your strength, try to crush the egg in your hands be applying downward pressure. You can't. Why? Because the sphere is one of the strongest known shape in the world. Basically, the dual dome shape presses against itself. A Pyramid works on a similar principle. Among other things, this is why Rolex had the extreme dome shaped crystal on the original Rolex DEEPSEA Special.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Introducing the Rolex DEEPSEA Challenge Watch



New Rolex History In The Making!!!

Rolex just announced this special DEEP-SEA SEA-DWELLER named the DEEPSEA CHALLENGE which is pictured below. It is a monster-size watch that has a 51.4mm diameter–contrast that with the standard Rolex DEEPSEA SEA-DWELLER at 44mm!!!

All-New experimental Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE from 2012 Pictured above

Contrast the side profile view of the all-new experimental Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE (pictured above) with its grandfather, the DEEPSEA SPECIAL Prototype which is pictured below. Rolex designed the original DEEPSEA SPECIAL prototype on the later 1940s.

Rolex DEEPSEA SPECIAL Prototype from 1960 Pictured above

We will be keeping up to date on all the events as they unfold later this week as James Cameron attempts to set an all-time depth record in the Mariana Trench in the Challenger Deep of Gaum, with a Rolex DEEPSEA Challenge attached to the outside of his submersible.

Just for frame-of-reference, I am including the photo below of the standard Rolex DEEPSEA SEA-DWELLER. Notice the difference between the DEEPSEA CHALLENGE pictured above. It has a way fatter ring lock and instead of having "Original Gas Escape Valve" engraved on the top of the ring lock, it has the "DEEPSEA CHALLENGE" engraved instead.

Here is an image that illustrates how much larger a Rolex DEEPSEA is than a standard 40mm Rolex Submariner, and keep in mind the all new Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE is more than 11mm thicker than the standard Rolex DEEPSEA SEA-DWELLER, which is pictured below the following photo.

The Return of the Rolex Superdome Crystal

Notice how much fatter the DEEPSEA Challenge is than the standard Rolex DEEPSEA!!! It is like the standard Rolex DEEP-SEA SEA-DWELLER on steroids. I wonder if Rolex will end up making this model available to the public for purchase? Crazy!?!?!?

The DEEPSEA Challenge watch is 28.5mm thick compared to the case on the standard DEEPSEA which is 17.7mm thick. Also, the synthetic sapphire crystal on the standard DEEPSEA is 5.5mm thick, whereas on the DEEPSEA Challenge it is a whopping 14.3mm thick!!! This Superdome gives this watch a very retro look!!!

Rolex spoke about the objective behind creating the all-new Rolex DEEPSEA Challenge and said:

"A watch for the Deepest of the Deep. The Oyster Perpetual Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE is an experimental divers' watch guaranteed to a depth of 12,000 meters (39,370 feet), entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex to resist the extreme pressure present in the deepest reaches of the oceans. It is manufactured by an entirely integrated watchmaker with unparalleled design, development and production capacities.

A Symbol Of Supermacy. The ROLEX DEEPSEA CHALLENGE symbolizes the brand's supremacy in mastering waterproofness. Its spirit and the real-life circumstances for which it was developed echo the approach adopted for the Rolex experimental DEEP SEA SPECIAL model, which in 1960 accompanied the bathyscaphe Trieste on its record descent to a depth of 10,916 meters (35,815 feet) at the bottom of the Marian Trench."

Perpetuating the pioneering spirit. The ROLEX DEEPSEA CHALLENGE embodies all the heritage and technical and watchmaking know-how of a pioneering brand of wristwatches. This status is demonstrated by Rolex's invention in 1926 of the OYSTER, the first waterproof wristwatch in history, as well as by all divers' watches, such as the SUBMARINER and the SEA-DWELLER, launched by the brand since the 1950s.

Human adventure and technological innovation. This watch bears witness in a spectacular way to the privileged ties that link Rolex to exploration in general and to the underwater world in particular. The ROLEX DEEPSEA CHALLENGE perpetuates a story combining human adventure and technology, innovation and the constant pursuit of excellence. An adventure punctuated with exceptional moments, some of which have entered the annals of history, when Rolex watches have proven their mettle under extreme conditions by accompanying men and women in their quest for the absolute."

Here are a few photos of the original Rolex DEEP-SEA Special prototype from 1960 just for comparison sake.

This next photo taken by Thomas Abercrombie shows the U.S. Navy Bathyscaphe Trieste being transported through the air in Apra Harbor, Guam as it was being prepared for its record breaking dive, which had the Rolex DEEP-SEA Special (pictured above) attached to the outside of it.

James Cameron's DEEPSEA CHALLENGER submersible is pictured below as it is being hoisted into the water from the deck of the Mermaid Sapphire, as it prepares to break the depth record set by the Bathyscaphe Trieste. Of course, James Cameron's DEEPSEA CHALLENGER Submersible will have a the experimental Rolex DEEPSEA CHALLENGE watch attached to the outside.

According to Rolex:

"The ROLEX DEEPSEA CHALLENGE enjoys a double heritage.

In historical terms, it is the heir of the 1960 experimental DEEP SEA SPECIAL, which dived to the bottom of the Mariana Trench with the bathyscaphe Trieste to a depth of 10,916 meters (35,814 feet).

Technically, and aesthetically, it is an enhanced version of the commercial Rolex DEEPSEA, launched in 2008 and guaranteed waterproof to a depth of 3,900 meters (12,800 feet). The RINGLOCK SYSTEM architecture developed and patented by Rolex for this new generation professional divers' watch has also been used for the ROLEX DEEPSEA CHALLENGE model."