Thursday, February 01, 2024

The Silent Enemy: Rolex Submariner in 1958 Movie

...Rolex Movie Shot of the Day...

The Silent Enemy (1958) 

Rolex Submariner

If you missed my story last week about our latest find at Jake's Rolex World: the oldest movie featuring a Rolex Submariner, "Hunter's of the Deep" (1954), here's the link. Shortly after publication, I was contacted by a reader, Philip from Belgium, who sent me stills of a 1958 movie, "The Silent Enemy," that I would like to post below. 

"The Silent Enemy" is a World War II movie based on the life of Royal Navy Lieutenant-Commander and frogman Lionel Phillip Crabb. A Submariner can be spotted at 27:20 and 44:44 and 1:38:32, and clearly detailed at 1:41:29.