Legends of the Deep
Celine and Fabien Cousteau
New Series Debuts Tonight on Science Channel
I very fondly remember gathering around the TV when I was a child with the family on Sunday evenings to watch The Underwater World of Jacques Cousteau. Tonight two of his grandchildren, Celine Cousteau and Fabien Cousteau are debuting their new series on the Science Channel named Legends of the Deep, so be sure to check it out!!!
Céline Cousteau is pictured below with her legendary grandfather, Jacque-Yves Cousteau when she was a little girl. After having interviewed Céline I could not help but notice she shares her grandfather's Spirit of Inquiry and Exploration.

Céline Cousteau 1982-1983 Piloting Zodiac on the Amazon River
on Expedition with her father and grandfather
In the photo below we see Céline and her brother Fabien with their father Jean-Michel Cousteau who is Jacques-Yves Cousteau's son.
''From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to the Earth. But man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free. Buoyed by water, he can fly in any direction—up, down, sideways—by merely flipping his hand. Under water, man becomes an archangel.''
—Jaques-Yves Cousteau