Saturday, January 03, 2009

Dell Deaton's, James Bond Watches News...

James Bond Watches

Two pieces of awesome news from Dell Deaton's!!!

First, Dell has been working on putting together an extremely comprehensive and definitive list of James Bond Watches from the EON Production movies. You can visit Dell's superb list by clicking here. As you can see from the screen capture below, Dell has done an excellent job of putting together a very easy to understand list of all the watches worn in the movies.

Secondly, Dell recently announced on his James Bond Watches Blog that he is working with the National Watch & Clock Museum on developing a James Bond Watches exhibit that starts in June of 2010 and runs through May of 2011. 

For the better part of 2008 Dell Deaton has served as the Lead Consultant to the NAWCC on this fascinating project. In the future Dell will continue to provide updates on his site which you can visit by clicking here.

Also you can go directly to visit the story titled "National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors to display 'Bond Watches, James Bond Watches" by clicking here.

This sounds absolutely fascinating and Leo and I look forward to checking it out: