So You Thought You Were A Rolex Fanatic!?!!
Hi, my name is Lamborghini and I am a Rolex fanatic of the highest order... I stumbled into this image randomly on the internet and I was stunned. I have a couple of takeaway points. First, is the fact the cost of the seventeen Rolex watches on this Lamborghini steering wheel is probably about the cost of the car itself.
Secondly, I am thinking it probably took the person who set up this photo a long time to carefully remove the screws from these watches and then rescrew them to the steering wheel, then take them all of and rescrew them all again. Third, it is interesting to notice every one of these Rolex watches is gold, and there are no stainless steel Rolex watches. Fourth, all the Rolex watches in this photo are stock and have not been modified in any way...