I have some great news and some not-so great news... There is a new Apollo 11 documentary out in movie theaters, which was transferred from 70MM footage that was well preserved, to IMAX. I went to see the movie and paid for my ticket, went in the theater and instantly realized I was not in an IMAX theater. I went out to talk to the AMC manager and she said, "Oh, yesterday was the last day we showed Apollo 11 in IMAX. It's playing in the normal theater now." So I decided since I had already paid and was at the theater, why not just watch it, and boy was that a HUGE Mistake. Watching it on the normal AMC screen was like watching a VHS version playing on an old color tube television.
The documentary was excellent, but the horrible quality picture stopped me from getting immersed in the picture. When you transfer 70MM film to IMAX, it should look like 8K video, NOT like you are watching a 480P DVD on an old color TV from the 1970s!?!! I have no idea what the documentary looks like in the IMAX theater. My advice would be to wait until it hits Netflix or on-demand, and watch it on your iPhone, iPad or Apple TV, which will look a Million times better!!! I looking for Rolex watches in the documentary but the resolution was so grainy and poor I could not see enough detail—that's how bad the picture was. If you watch the trailer above on your computer or iPhone it looks absolutely stunning—as it should.
Historically Rolex has always been extremely secretive and discreet, and no journalists in the past have ever been invited "INSIDE ROLEX" to explore and report on all four Rolex Manufacturing faclities in Switzerland.
In November 2013, this changed when Rolex invited Jake to take an unprecdented journey into the heart of Rolex to learn and report on everything he witnessed and learned.
This Super-Detailed 3 Part Story is a "MUST READ" story for anybody who wants to understand what really makes Rolex tick.