Eduardo's Daytona
Eduardo is a mining engineer from Chile in South America and he reads Jake's Rolex Watch Blog 7 days a week (according to Eduardo). I spoke with Eduardo yesterday and he shared a fascinating story about his wife Marcela. He mentioned he told Marcela he thought it would be a good idea if she would wear one of his men's sport model Rolex watches and at first she thought he was nuts.
She said she thought she should be wearing a much smaller watch, then Eduardo showed her many of the photos on Jake's Rolex Watch Blog of women wearing men's Rolex watches and won her over–now she is happily wearing a two-tone Rolex Submariner he bought for her.
Eduardo has been having a lot of fun lately photographing Rolex watches from his collection and he sent a bunch in share with you. Today's shots from Eduardo are of his two-tone Rolex Daytona. Great Shots Eduardo!!! Thanks for sharing!!! We will be seeing more from Eduardo in the future.