Thursday, June 18, 2009

iPhone 3.0 Software Available...

iPhone 3.0 Software Available
3rd Time Is A Charm!!!

Just in case you didn't notice, Apple just released the all new iPhone 3.0 Software and I have had a chance to mess around with it. It is amazing!!

One of the many great new features is the ability to turn the screen horizontally to type (as seen below). Typing in landscape mode makes it a zillion time easier and far, far more accurate.

The iPhone software can be put on any first or second generation iPhone and comes standard on the all-new iPhone 3GS. The 3.0 makes everything on the iPhone run much, much faster and it makes the iPhone far more responsive. Other great features included in the update include:

• Universal Spotlight Search
• Voice Recorder
• Cut/Copy/Paste
• Sync Your Notes (Although Evernote from is a million times better).
• Stereo Bluetooth (Great for working-out).

A few great tips that are not documented:

1. When you turn on the screen and slide your finger to unlock the screen, the iPhone goes to your home screen with the icons. If you then click on the home button, it will go straight to the spotlight search which is the new hotness for launching apps and finding anything almost instantly.

For instance, lets say you know that the Rolling Stones Jumping Jack Flash is on your iPod and you want to hear it but you don't want to waste minutes looking for it in the iPod. You simply go to spotlight and start typing "jumpi" and it will show up instantly–same with contacts. You get the idea.

Photo Credit: Grant

2. Instant camera feature tip: This is a great hint if you like to use the camera on the iPhone a lot. The iPhone 3.0 iPhone software has a new feature that you can find by going to "Settings" then click on "General" then on "Home" and select "Camera." This way, wherever you are in the iphone if you double tap on the home button, it will go straight to the camera.

These two features alone make the iPhone so much better!!! If you don't have an iPhone yet, now it is time to get one!!! Especially since they start at $99.