Presidential Watch Sunday
An Unprecedented Look At The Presidency
The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery ever day. Never lose a holy curiosity!!! –Albert Einstein
Welcome to the sixth installment of Presidential Watch Sunday. I would like to thank the White House and Pete Souza (The Official White House Photographer) for giving us unprecedented access to photos of the United States Presidency and I would like to thank MSNBC for sharing the video of President Obama's unprecedented speech.
This first photo shows President Obama looking at the King Abdul Aziz Order of Merit medal presented to him by Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz at the beginning of their bilateral meeting at the King's Farm in Riyadh, Saudia Arabia on June 3, 2009. The Saudi Order of Merit medal is Saudi Arabia's highest honor. I wonder if the metal is solid gold?
Click on all images for great detail!!!
This next photo is of President Obama waving goodbye from the top of the steps of Air Force One as he departs King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on his way to Cairo, Egypt on June 4, 2009.
This next photo is of President Obama (pictured on far right) next to his press secretary, Robert Gibbs and National Security Council Chief of Staff, Mark Lippert (far left) as they glance out the window of Air Force One in awe of the ancient Egyptian pyramids they will be soon touring.
One of the things I like so much about President Obama is he seems like such a normal guy with zero pretense and a very healthy curiosity about the world around him–in many ways–like an innocent child. For some reason, when I examine all these photos, it feels like we get to go along and see all this great stuff that is new to him as well as us. Very cool!!!
After President Obama landed, he attended a meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo, Egypt on June 4, 2009. The photo below shows President Obama leaving the meeting with Mubarak next to him.
President Obama jokingly shows off the hat he was given prior to his tour of the great Pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt. President Obama looks like a character out of Indiana Jones.
In this next photo, President Obama is pictured standing between Egypt's Great Sphinx on the left and the Pyramid of Khafre on the right on June 4, 2009.
In this next shot, we see President Obama standing in front of the great pyramid. O.K., I am definitely starting to hear the Raider's Of The Lost Art theme starting to play in the background!!! "Dun!, dun!, dun!, dun!...dun, dun, duh. Dun!, dun!, dun!, dun!...dun, dun, duh." No time to argue, quick, throw me the idol!!!
In this next photo we see President Obama as he carefully descends down a steep flight of stairs as he tours the Pyramid of Giza with his senior staff on June 4, 2009.
This next photo is really interesting and kind of funny because President Obama said he thought the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic located toward the bottom of the column on the right side of the photo looked like him and it does!!!
This next shot is of President Obama walking with Zahi Hawass (left) who is the General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Aniquities. Senior Presidential Advisor, David Axelrod and Cheif of Staff, Rahm Emanuel are pictured on the right.
This next photo is of President Obama looking out the window of his Marine One helicopter at the Great Pyramids as he leaves.