Presidential Watch Sunday
An Unprecedented Look At The Presidency
"Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man; but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can." –Vince Lombardi
Welcome to the seventh installment of Presidential Watch Sunday. I would like to thank the White House and Pete Souza (The Official White House Photographer) for giving us unprecedented access to photos of the United States Presidency.
This first photo shows President Obama sitting in a White House meeting while holding on to a football. President Oboma is a big sports fan. He not only loves watching professional athletics but also loves playing sports.

In this next photo we see President Obama taking a break in the White House Rose Garden and throwing around the football.
This next photo is interesting because President Obama loves throwing around the football whenever he gets the chance. There is something really therapeutic about playing catch with any ball, whether it is a baseball, football or even a water-polo ball.
In this next photo we see President Obama walking through the door from the Oval Office to find his secretary trying on a Pittsburgh Steelers Football helmet. It looks like they have a lot of fun in the Obama White House and I think that is great. I also think that is really kind of the point of life–is to have fun!!!
Next we see President Obama shooting hoops. President Obama is an avid basketball player and in this shot we see the President blocking a shot.