It's a Bird...It's A Plane...It's crazy dudes flying through the sky like Superman!!! Sometimes I dream I am flying through the sky like Superman. These totally crazy dudes are actually doing it!!! My jaw dropped when I first saw this. Totally fascinating with some incredible footage. Enjoy!!!
Historical Note: So where did this idea of a flight-suit come from? Franz Reichelt, an Austrian born tailor created an overcoat flight suit that was supposed to work like a parachute. To showcase his invention he jumped off the Eiffel Tower in 1912, which at the time was the worlds tallest man-made structure. Things did not work quite the way Reichelt expected and he fell to his death.
Warning: This video is pretty heavy (Literally & Figuratively).
Historically Rolex has always been extremely secretive and discreet, and no journalists in the past have ever been invited "INSIDE ROLEX" to explore and report on all four Rolex Manufacturing faclities in Switzerland.
In November 2013, this changed when Rolex invited Jake to take an unprecdented journey into the heart of Rolex to learn and report on everything he witnessed and learned.
This Super-Detailed 3 Part Story is a "MUST READ" story for anybody who wants to understand what really makes Rolex tick.